The project offers a weekly opportunity for young adults aged 18 – 30 years with additional needs. It has been identified that leaving school for this group can mean that they become house bound and reliant on parents or carers to provide both stimulation and friendship.
The idea therefore is to provide a safe and welcoming place outside of the home for young adults to make new friends, build on social and independent living skills, while having fun and enjoying a range of activities. Group members will also be encouraged to plan and cook a lunch time meal and broaden skills for future employment.
The club is open between 10.00 am – 2.00 pm on a Monday and has the capacity of 10 places. Delivered by experienced and qualified workers who have a range of skills/qualifications in; care, coaching, youth work, arts & crafts and health. External providers will also be used to broaden the range of activities and interests provided.
The project runs on a Monday at Kendal Lads and Girls club during term time.
10.00 am – 2.00pm.
Cost – £20 and this includes lunch.
Advance booking is essential, either by email, text or phone.
Contact Ian Parr or Pauline Coulthard for more information.
Pauline 07939875675
Ian 07877038401
“This group has been vital in
maintaining Joe’s mental well-being. He enjoys every minute of being there”.
Dawn (parent)
“Independent life is very important and I can’t stress enough the importance of being taught the essential life skills in order to live independently”. Elaine (parent)
Kendal Lads and Girls club has full wheelchair access.
This project will be delivered by Youth Engagement Service (YES). YES has delivered the ‘Lifesteps Group’ for young adults with additional needs since 2017.
All staff and volunteers are DBS checked and Safeguarding Trained. There is always a nominated First Aider at sessions.
We would like to thank the following for supporting our project Frieda Scott Charitable Trust : National Lottery Awards for All : CCC
Community Grant : Cumbria Community Foundation : National
Lottery Reaching Communities Fund : Westmorland Mencap : The Hadfield Trust
For further information about other groups at Kendal Lads and Girls Club please click the link below.